October 11, 2006

How Greens and Dems Listen to Bush Speaches - They Talk About Dating, Dining, and Dating.

So, I wake up this morning to a droning traffic report from some area into the City, and I don't care cuz I'm in the City already and I'm darned tired, so I set snooze for 6 minutes.

The alarm goes off again... droning from another area into the City... should get up and run... hit snooze for 12 minutes.

Alarm goes of again (and again, and again!) and it is this annoying, incessant and stupid sound, kind of like a mosquito in my ear... oh, crap, it's the 'Prez speaching. Bleck. Turn off alarm and get up. Start getting ready for my meeting since I snoozed through a run. That's what the Green does. There, I said it. I'm Green, and have been for years (go fig, Cali Girl Gertie is All About Trees and Stuff - hey - Save Trestles! and all that jazz).

Greens and Dems Part 1

Not more than 2 minutes into my getting ready, my phone rings. It's 8:15am. "Grandma's dead!" I instantly assume, cuz why the hell else does someone call that early? Oh yeah, it's just a Democrat, who's morning walk with the radio got interrupted with 156 channels of Bush pontificating like a mosquito in the ear.

Gertie: Good morning, Mom.
Mom: I was walking, and then Bush came on, so I took my headphones off, and I thought of a GREAT PLAN for how to confirm your cooking over dinner date with New Guy!
Gertie: You did, huh, surprise.
Mom: Yes, first of all, when you're confirming he will actually show up, don't say "you'll be disappointed" if he doesn't.
Gertie: Mom, trust me. I would never use the word "disappointed" with a man, I'm not that stupid.
Mom: Well, you told me you'd be disappointed if he doesn't keep the date.
Gertie: Right, I will. But you should know that I'm very well schooled in "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus..."
Mom: I've never heard of that book
Gertie: ...and I've also read "Mars and Venus on a Date," "The Rules," and "He's Just Not That Into You," etc., etc., etc. So believe me, what I say to you is by no means literal to what I will say to him. What I'm telling you is Woman to Woman.
(Somewhere inside, my mom gets excited about the fact that we speak woman-to-woman, but she doesn't say it. It's the .2 second pause between her unstoppable conversing that indicates this joy. Correction: overjoyment. Or whatever.)
Mom: So I bought a book to bring to your Nephew....

There was way more to the conversation, including some menu and meal prep tips, which I didn't hang too heavily on since I'm not sure the "having dinner at Gertie's" date is actually going to happen Thursday. Since I'm sparing myself from over-anticipation, I'll spare you, too.

Greens and Dems Part 2

This is the e-mail subject line I received from my Dem Best Friend at 9:15 (was Bush was still talking or were people just talking about Bush talking?): "Major JUNK FOOD consumption alert." This e-mail contained a long list of crap my friend and soon bride-to-be had thus far consumed during the day (which apparantly had only started 15 minutes ago), then finally curtailed, after a diatribe of side-splitting laughables, to ask me to confirm a certain restaurant was "still good" so she and her fiance could dine there tonight. I replied I had last been there when our local Fox anchorman had no grey hairs, and recommended instead the newer place down the street.

Best Friend: YEah? Why do you like Houston's? From the outside, it always reminded me of a post frat Taylor's [in Boulder, CO] with steak? But it's okay?
Your description of Houstons is spot on. However, you have to remember that I am a little more ON the beaten path than you are... I actually like places that give me the opportunity to meet people of a [educational/career] caliber which I would like in a mate. Unfortunately, a lot of these places also offer the post-collegic riff raff that you and I love to abhor. It's the sorting that I have to do, and don't mind doing, that is no longer in your to-do list, that may inhibit you from further investigation of such places.
So you see? There were a couple of people today who weren't listening. Charlie Brown's Teachers, that's what it sounds like, and for some of us, it's enough annoyance to turn it off. And tonight at dinner with some friends, I was surprised to hear about an upcoming Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Wha? With all this "Foley is a Gay Previously Molested Pedophile!" crap I didn't hear BOO about an abortion ruling. Geez. If people would just ever ask me anything, like say, "hey, you worked for corporate Gap, do you think this guy Foley is gay?" then we wouldn't have these issues taking our precious newshour time. Because if someone woulda just asked me, I could've told you in a Gap Second that YES, he's friggin' gay. Obvious and of little importance considering NO ONE is talking about what the Supreme Court is changing about abortion rights. Which, by the way, I would link to here, except I am totally unaware. And a little bit frightened about, to be honest.

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