December 05, 2006


Ok, ok. I know I've been a bit remiss. But my statcounter has told me that NOBODY is hangin' in the house AT ALL. Hrmph.

Would it excite you to know that I have FOUND MY FIRST GREY HAIR? On the head, of course, but still. Look at the picture, y'all... it's not from 10 years ago - it's very recent. So what in the name of Whoozit is a grey hair doing on this young head? It was indeed a bit jarring to say the least. I always thought that my first grey hair would come from the insanity of living my fabulous life WHILST raising some fabulous kids who were ultimately the cause of said hair.

But no, it's just genetics and the whole life cycle thing. Which did, quite honestly, throw me for a loop for about 36 hours. I needed to adjust. Then I realized the smallness of the grey hair in the vast world that is offered to me, and I moved on. Of course, I plucked that sucker. THEN I moved on.

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