August 25, 2006

The Short, Sad Life of my Little Basil Plant

One bummer in moving from my old place is that I had to get rid of my potted plants. I only had one indoor plant, but I had a lemon tree and some potted flowers on my huge fire escape. There's just not enough space in the new place.

I had been wanting to grow some herbs on the kitchen window sill, but it's so narrow that I never figured I could find a small enough pot that was big enough for herbs. Last weekend my mom surprised me with a teeny tiny pot with a teeny tiny basil plant! I was in love.

Well, it's been a rough road for little Basil! First everything I watered him with was too forceful/fast and the water would run right off the soil, so he was thirsty. Then I found the perfect watering can - a milk creamer - and all was well and he was on the road to health, enjoying the open window in the kitchen... until yesterday. A big wind came through and when I got home little Basil was all over the floor surrounded by a broken pot and the few ounces of soil that surrounded his teeny tiny roots. He's sitting in a little candle holder w/some water now, but who knows how long he will hold out?

: ( Sorry little guy.

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