March 22, 2006

If I Could Dine With

I don't know how many of you actually subscribe to hard copy magazines anymore. Quite frankly, I only receive monthly magazines for which my mother gives me an annual subscription for Channukah. 99.9% of the time, they are cooking magazines. I get it, Ma!

Just kidding. She knows I'm a good cook. Yes, yes, I know the way to a man's heart. Unfortunately, I don't find many men I want to cook that well for.

Which leads me to Gertie's "non-tapping" meme (ha, yes, I looked around and you don't have to capitalize that... though, I still don't know the phonetic pronuciation). And that is... If I could dine with any person alive, who would it be?

I think I have mentioned this man before here. Probably several times, but usually it's late and I am either a little buzzed or exhausted to the hilt, so I can't right recall. But my dinner mate: Charlie Rose.

I mean, come on! How the hell did Charlie Rose get so lucky! His show! Have you seen his show?! This guy has his pulse on everything intriguing. I have never seen a Charlie Rose interview that I wasn't at least 82% interested in. I have never come away from watching a show in which I haven't been 100% impressed with whomever he interviews, especially because none of his interviewees has ever "um'd" or "er'd. (note to self: avoid um's, er's, like's and totally's. Especially around clients!)

Seroiusly. Wouldn't YOU want to have dinner with Charlie Rose? This guy has interviewed international royals; the most contentious and admired political leaders; the most controversial analysts and scientists and commentators on the state of whatever; he has interviewed writers, authors, directors, actors (both popular and obscure); he has interviewed legends of every subject. But most of all, he always does his research.

Oh, man, what I wouldn't do to have a long extended dinner with Charlie Rose. What about you?

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