March 21, 2006

News Radio Forced Me To Sleep In

[Disclaimer: I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I have very conservative or liberal views, depending on the issue. I don't really like to talk about American politics because the absurdity of the system makes me sick. And don't comment on either side here please, I'm just sayin'... but! you can comment on how Bush looks like a monkey when he's trying to be very serious.]

I don't know if there was a State of the Union address today or what, but on my alarm, which is set to a news radio station due to the fact that it's so boring and annoying that it jolts me up, this morning the jolt was the voice of President Bush.

Sometimes, when I'm really tired and the news radio alarm comes on, I'll snooze it. Maybe a two times. But today, that voice, THAT VOICE! made me cringe and set the snooze 15 min ahead, hoping desparately that That Voice! would be off air when the radio alarm came on again. No such luck. No such luck 4 times, actually. And I laid in bed, clenching my jaw and furrowing my brow, pissed that Bush was allowed so much "Convince America" time (and I wonder if it convinces anyone?). The clenching and furrowing was also due to the fact that his voice is so ANNOYING BUSH that I could actually visualize his body language and face retardation as I heard it. Bleck. And thus, I couldn't sleep between snoozes, and I was super behind schedule.

When I finally got done with my day, had had a quick bite, and was able to repose in front of Le Tube avec una cerveza por favor, it was 9:15p. And while flipping through the few channels I get for free, there it was: a recap of whatever bullshit was spilling out of Bush's mouth this morning. And for the 1.2 seconds that I watched, I pointed at Le Tube and yelled "HA!" because everything I had imagined in my head about his body language and facial expressions earlier that morning while trying to snooze button it all away, those things that had made me tense up in disgust while I tried to get ready for a 12 hour day, were 100% on target. Bleck! Oh man, how many years does he have left? I just can't watch or listen anymore. Does he have a mute button?

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