November 10, 2006

What the...? Part II

I guess I've titled something "What the...?" before. To be honest, it is so tedious to search archives with Blogger that I don't have the patience or interest to figure out what I was so confused about prior to this. The "this" now being the new Blogger Beta, which is supposed to be an improved Blogger.

It's still no WordPress, which I would prefer to have but, hey, Blogger is free and WordPress is not. So, Blogger it is.

And Blogger has a new version! I was so excited to hear that when I logged in! And then, in order to get all beta'd, I had to do a few (yes, TEDIOUS) things. Like pick a new template. [As you can see, my new template is my old template - only I painted it a little shade of blue. Gertie is SO artistic!] Then I was able to add a "signature" photo (which, aparantly, I could have done before, but it's easier now). I will probably regret it, but I updated AN ACTUAL PICTURE of me (most likely soon to be replaced by just some undetectable BODY PART of me). There are a few other things I can add now, but to be honest, they seem boring and I am too lazy and uninterested to figure out if they would be cool additions to my post. Finally, with keeping with my Template, they changed the way my old posts show up (read: made my previous posts look like a boring historical timeline), so I made the utmost attempt to make them look interesting... to no avail. How the hell is anyone gonna wanna see my prev posts if they are all a Star Trek Star Date Time Log? Well, I might at least get some Trekkies on board.

OK. Done ranting on the new beta Blogger. Thanks for listening. More interesting stuff to come, but how would you know, since they are all archived by date? Hrrmph.

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