May 01, 2005

That Fly Is My Grandmother

Hey KO, remember that big black fly that would follow me around the apartment? It still shows up every once in a while.

WR was here one day when "Big Bertha" came visiting, and I told WR that the fly is a frequent visitor. WR said: "maybe it's one of your dead relatives." Ha ha ha!

After that, I changed Big Bertha's name to Rifka, what we used to call my grandma. I mean, seriously, what is a fly's life span? This thing has been coming to visit for 7 years!

The other day, I was smoking at the window and Rifka banged herself into the closed window like 4 times before flying away. She must know that I said I was quitting last Sunday.

This morning, I was awake and lazily lying in bed. Rifka kept coming in and out of the room circling me. When I finally got out of bed, she left me alone.

Oh, by the way. Rifka says "hi."

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